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Endonasal probes (for nose)

A - Chrome-plated semi rigid curved probe. Length 16 cm. 24.90€ /piece or 42,90€ /pair
B - Chrome-plated rigid probe. Length 16 cm. 24.90€ /piece or 42,90€ /pair
C - Chrome-plated soft curved probe. Length 16 cm. 24.90€ /piece or 42,90€ /pair
D - Chrome-plated soft probe. Length 16 cm. 24.90€ /piece or 42,90€ /pair

Nasosympathicothérapie. In french langage. Of Bobin 19,90 €
Laminated and coloured chart with sizes 47x60cm showing the areas of the mucous that it is possible to reach with the nose's probe and the pathological indications to be treated.

Lota plaster container. SinuPot 13,90 €

The SinuPot – all natural nasal wash that is used for fast and effective relief of nasal congestion, colds, dry nose, sinusitis, allergies and other sinus-related issues.

Our SinuPot is specially designed by us and has the following special features:
– Easy to hold ergonomically designed handle accommodates all hand sizes.
– Tapered spout comfortably fits any size nostril.
– Transparent design allows for accurate measurement of saline solution.
Fast & Effective sinus Relief : Nasal congestion, colds, dry nose, sinusitis, allergies, post nasal drip, rhinitis of pregnancy.
Each set contains : 1 SinuPot, 1 stir spoon, 1 small plastic bottle of salt. All packed in a color paper box.