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Instruments for Massage and Reflexology – 1 –
Massage balls "Relaxoki"
Foot reflexive zones massager balls “Ballaki”
Ballaki massager balls provide therapeutic effects based on foot reflexology.
7,90 € a pair.
They are designed not only for reflexotherapy hand massage.
Ø 5 cm. Pack of three balls: 11,90 €
Physical rehabilitation Balls
Hand and foot reflex. zones mass. balls “Kaisoki“
Wooden "Massotigeoki"
Massage instrument "Relaxaki"
Hand and foot reflex. zones massager “Tigeoki“
Massage instrument magnetic "Tigeoki"
Massage balls “Reflexoki“
New hand reflexive zones massager “Massaki“
Massage instrument "Pressoki"
Cranial massage roller
Precision for reflexive zones massager “Tigeoki“
Magnetic body massager “Toupiko“
Daily wellbeing through reflexotherapy. 8,50 € the pair.
For massage the fingers of your hands and feets..
9,90 €
Resolve knots in the muscles, relax tensions and assist blood circulation. 12,90€
Very effective against migraine pain and hair lost. Stimulates regrowth.
24,90 €
For stimulation of the reflexology points in the hands and feet. 13,60 € 9,50 €
It rolls, it massages, it digs in and tones up your body.
6,90 €
Rehabilitation of the hand and forearm. For targeted muscle building.
Pack of two balls (one round and one oval) 11,90 €
For reflexology points in the hands and feet. 6,90 € the pair.
Amassage tool entirely in natural wood. 5,90 €
Instrument entirely in natural wood.
8,90 €
A. Tigeoki in wood.
12 cm 4,90 €
B. Tigeoki in natural horn.
11 cm 6,90 €
In wood equipped with a rounded 3,000 gauss magnetic head. 13,90 €
Hand reflexive zones massager “Shitoki“
Massage instrument “Shemala“
To apply light to strong pressure to trigger points. 15,90 €
To massage the reflex zones of the hands. 7,90 €
Instruments for Massage and Reflexology 1 | 2 |